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More than 90% of our students have passed their road test on the first try, and 100% of our students continued to stay with our services to pass their road tests.
We give you the tools to succeed!
ROAD TEST FEE: (Week Days and WeekendS*)
Quick/Alternative/Off Hour/Weekend Road Test: 2-3 weeks wait time
All road tests include: scheduling fee, sponsor, car, and RMV examiner. (Does not include RMV fees: $50 for License and $35 for each Road Test)
*Quick/Alternative/Off Hour/Weekend Road Tests: 2-3 weeks wait time at the Braintree RMV Location from 7am-9pm from Monday - Sunday. Student must meet at road test area. You must schedule with Safety Auto School 2-3 weeks in advance for your road test. There is a NO cancellation or reschedule for Quick/Alternative/Off Hour/Weekend Road Tests after they have been scheduled, or else students will forfeit their Road Test fee of $170 and be charged a $35 fee by the RMV.
(Once we submit your name to the RMV for your road test, the RMV will not allow you to cancel or reschedule. 1 week before your road test date, the RMV will confirm the exact date, time and location of your road test appointment. Then we will email you your road test date, time and location).
If you are between 16½ and 18 years old, you may schedule a Class D (passenger) road test only if you have a Driver's Education Certificate. If you do not have a Driver's Education Certificate, you must be 18 years of age or older to schedule a road test.
Weather Policy:
Road tests will be automatically cancelled when...
The Governor declares a state of emergency for the entire state.
The Governor declares a state of emergency in a certain region of the state (only road tests in this region will be cancelled).
When a public school system cancels classes for weather-related reasons, road tests scheduled in that school system's community may be cancelled at the discretion of the RMV.
Road Test Examiners may also cancel road tests when weather conditions are considered unsafe at a particular road test site.
To determine if your road test has been canceled, please call the RMV's Phone Center, check the RMV's Homepage or contact Safety Auto School Office @ 617-514-4600.
You may reschedule a new road test at no additional fee if your road test was cancelled due to weather conditions.